OTP Bank Liga 2023/2024

Saturday’s league match: information for fans travelling to Kisvárda

The championship continues this weekend, with DVSC playing away against Kisvárda on Saturday, March 30, starting at 2.30 pm. We would like to provide some useful information for our fans.

Tickets to the guest sector cost 3000 HUF each. Tickets are available online at https://jegymester.hu/event-host/3000. There are 264 seats in the guest sector. Important to note: the ticket office for the guests opens (1,5 hours before the game) only in case the tickets are not sold online beforehand. Providing a club card or personal data are not necessary neither for online nor for on-site ticket purchase.

Visitors can pay by cash or card in the ticket offices. A seperate parking and buffet are available for the fans of Debrecen. Hajrá, Loki!