OTP Bank Liga 2024/2025

Tickets and passes

Information on tickets and passes for season 2024/25

Season tickets (passes) are valid for all home matches of DVSC in the OTP Bank League as well as the first home match of the team in the MOL Hungarian Cup.

The sale of season tickets lasts from July 1 until September 30.

Pre-purchase option: last year’s pass holders have the opportunity to renew their passes for their previously reserved seats until August 17, the first home match against DVTK. After August 17, all seats will be released.

Season ticket renewals can be done online at www.nagyerdeistadion.hu or in person at DVSC Shop and the stadium ticket offices.

Purchasing new season tickets and redeeming discounts can only be done in person!


Debrecen City Card: 10% discount on the specified season tickets with Debrecen City card.

Family pass: family members that are directly related to each other can buy passes to sectors A1 and A5. Such tickets can be bought by at least one parent or grandparent and at least one child, who is under the age of 16.

Pensioner pass: fans, who have a retirement card, can purchase discounted passes to sectors C1-C7, B1 and B3.

University pass: discounted university passes and tickets are available to the university sectors (D7, D8) for the home matches of DVSC in season 2024/25. For obtaining a university pass, you need to have a stadium card, for which you have to provide your university email account (stadium cards can be obtained at the stadium ticket offices). After this, you can buy your season ticket online at www.nagyerdeistadion.hu by logging in with your university account. Tickets and passes to the university sectors can only be purchased online by students and university staff, who have an active Unipass card.


Passes for rivalry matches are valid only for 7 home matches of DVSC (against FTC, Újpest, DVTK, Fehérvár and Nyíregyháza). These passes can be purchased both online and in person.


Children under the age of six have free entry to the matches, but those who wish to purchase a seat for their child can do so by obtaining a free contributory ticket at the ticket offices.

New category: STUDENT TICKET

Fans between the age of 6 and 18 with a student ID can purchase discounted tickets for the home matches of DVSC. Tickets can be bought both online and in person. In case of online purchase, the number of the student ID must be provided, while in person, the student ID must be shown.

Important: DVSC may request the ID that entitles you to the discount (student, pensioner) upon entry, and without it, entry may be denied!

For persons with reduced mobility: fans who are confined to a wheelchair due to their health impairment can attend DVSC matches free of charge. One person can accompany them, for whom ticket costs 1,000 Ft/match. This ticket can be bought only at the stadium ticket offices.

Opening hours of the ticket offices:

Monday-Friday: 10:00 – 18:00

Saturday: closed, passes can be bought at DVSC Shop

Sunday: closed

Opening hours of DVSC Shop:

Monday-Friday: 15:00 – 18:00

Saturday: 10:00 – 15:00

Sunday: closed