OTP Bank Liga 2024/2025

Victory in the preparation match on Thursday: DVSC-MSK Zilina 2-1

On Thursday, DVSC played against a top Slovakian team, MSK Zilina in the Austrian training camp. At the beginning of the match, midfield play dominated. There were no dangerous chances and our team had more possession of the ball. In the 13th minute, Hamzat Ojediran shot over the goal from long-range.

As the halfway of the first half approached, there were quite a few fouls. After Balázs Dzsudzsák’s free-kick, Dusan Lagator made a header and the goalkeeper tipped the ball over the goal for a corner. After the corner, Oleksandr Romanchuk hit the right post at the far corner. In the 45th minute, Balázs Dzsudzsák tried to score from close-range, but the Slovakian goalkeeper made a brilliant save. No goals were scored until the break.

After the break, Zilina created a chance in the 50th minute, but Oleksandr Romanchuk saved it in front of the goal-line. In the 60th minute, Loki took the lead: from the left side, Brandon Domingues passed the ball to Tamás Szűcs in the centre, who shot the ball into bottom left corner from 16-meters (1-0).

In the 66th minute, DVSC doubled its advantage, when Tamás Szűcs took the ball and selflessly passed to Donát Bárány, who didn’t miss the clear-cut chance (2-0). In the last part of the match, more substitutes came on and Balázs Megyeri had to make a big save. However, in the 85th minute, Hranica pulled one back with a powerful shot (2-1). Overall, DVSC deserved to win.

According to the plans, Loki will play against the Austrian Ried on Friday.

Preparation match.

DVSC-Zilina (Slovakian) 2-1 (0-0).

DVSC: Megyeri – Stojkovic, Romanchuk (Dreskovic, 80.), Lagator, Ferenczi – Ojediran (Szuhodovszki, 80.), Szűcs T. (Manrique, 74.) – Vajda (Pellumbi, 67.), Dzsudzsák (Shaghoyan, 74.), Domingues (Szécsi, 67.) – Bárány (Kocsis, 80.). Head coach: Srdjan Blagojevic.

Goal: Szűcs T. (60.), Bárány (66.) as well as Hranica (85.).