OTP Bank Liga 2024/2025

The first preparation match is over: DVSC-Cigánd 6-3

On Saturday, DVSC played the first summer preparation match in Pallag. The opponent of Loki was the third-division Cigánd, led by Igor Bogdanovic. Some of our players were out of the squad because of minor injuries and precaution, but the match still had a positive impact on the development of teamwork. In fact, a lot of young players got an opportunity to play.

Despite of the intense heat, the first half started with a great pace. Balázs Dzsudzsák scored a beautiful free-kick goal, then Dominik Kocsis converted two clear-cut chances and before the break, Tamás Szűcs scored from close-range.

In the second half, it was the young players who got a chance to play. The goal blitz did not stop, thus Loki won 6-3 against Cigánd.

Preparation match

DVSC-Cigánd (NB III.) 6-3 (4-0).

DVSC: Pálfi – Szécsi, Lagator, Romanchuk, Ferenczi, Manrique, Kocsis, Vajda, Szűcs T., Domingues, Dzsudzsák. Substitutions: Engedi, Szuhodovszki, Hornyák, Nwachukwu, Senaga, Lénárt, Patai, Perpék, Polozhij, Kyziridis, Ojediran, Kócs-Washburn, Kohut. Head coach: Srdjan Blagojevic.

Goal: Dzsudzsák (5.), Kocsis (27., 41.), Szűcs T. (44.), Polozhij (59.), Ojediran (61.) as well as Honchar (50.), Bodan (79.), Jónás (86.).