OTP Bank Liga 2024/2025

Progress and systematic work: the spring season kicks-off!

DVSC held a season-opening press conference at Nagyerdei Stadium. Among the participants were the president Ike Thierry Zaengel, managing director Balázs Makray, head coach Srdjan Blagojevic and the four new players of DVSC, namely Soma Szuhodovszi, Jorgo Pellumbi, Thor Úlfarsson and Dominik Kocsis.

Ike Thierry Zaengel, the president, reminded everyone that all changes happening in the life of the club were part of a 3-year process and the second year was going on. The goal of DVSC is to reach the international level. “Bringing a new coach was part of this development and that’s why we are signing new players”, said the president. He asked the fans to come to the stadium in large numbers as they were the 12th player, very much needed. Ike Thierry Zaengel made an important announcement: DVSC wants to build a Loki museum within the stadium, considering the legacy of the club.

The managing director Balázs Makray stated the actual motto of DVSC: “Constant development and positive attitude are the most important”. The work at the club is systematic and planned, while the new owner invests significant resources and energy into the team. Good relations with the supporters are equally important. Balázs Makray has also talked about the fact that the quality and age of the recently signed players show that the team of the future is being built, relying on the Academy in the first place. Increasing the number of viewers is quite relevant and for this reason, the first team has to perform well. The managing director also mentioned that the income from selling the player’s right of Péter Baráth was put to good use, considering the new winter arrivals.

According to Srdjan Blagojevic, the team did well during the pre-season and he was glad that the squad was strengthened. “A long and interesting half-season is in front of us, we need trust and patience”, said the head coach. He also mentioned that the players and the technical staff always wanted to stay the same and no matter of the circumstances, they stuck to this principle.

Soma Szuhodovszki talked about the long and tough preparation period but immediately added that he felt very good at Loki. He’s glad to be here and hopes that he made a good decision from the point of view of his career. He finds it quite relevant to prove himself in front of the fans.

Jorgo Pellumbi talked about the great impressions that he had, adding that he would like to be a helpful member of the team. Thor Úlfarsson also mentioned the friendly atmosphere and the right decision about signing for DVSC. Dominik Kocsis joined Loki on Wednesday. He said that he was very happy to be here and he would do his best for the success of the team.