OTP Bank Liga 2024/2025

Defeat with one man down: Puskás Academy-DVSC 4-1

In the last match of the 2023/24 season, DVSC played against Puskás Academy in Felcsút. Regardless of the result of this match, our team finished in the 5th place in the championship. Nine players were out of the squad: Erik Kusnyir, Jorgo Pellumbi and Thor Úlfarsson were still on rehabilitation, Donát Bárány and Meldin Dreskovic had minor injuries, while Márk Szécsi, János Ferenczi, Dusan Lagator and Stefan Loncar were suspended because of the yellow cards that they’ve collected. For this reason, the technical staff decided to fill the squad with the youngsters of the second team. Among the starting XI were Máté Tuboly as a right-back, Nimród Baranyai as a centre-back and Balázs Dzsudzsák as a striker.

The match started at a good pace, and even though a lot of players were missing, Loki entered the game bravely. In the 10th minute, the ball accidentally bounced on the hand of Balázs Dzsudzsák within the box and the referee awarded a penalty. The VAR checked it, but the decision remained unchanged and Zsolt Nagy converted the penalty (1-0). Right after that, there was a doubtful situation in front of the opponent’s goal, the referee didn’t blow his whistle, but he gave a yellow card to the bench of Debrecen.

In the 24th minute, the referee sent-off Christian Manrique, who collided with Komáromi as the second-to-last man (it was also a controversial decision), and another lengthy VAR review followed, but it didn’t change the red card. The ball went over the goal after the 16-meter free-kick. Botond Vajda became the left-back and in the 36th minute, Puskás doubled its advantage, when Komáromi shot the ball into the bottom left corner from 17 meters (2-0). However, DVSC pulled one back before the break: at the end of extra time, Soma Szuhodovszki made a nice cross and the arriving Ádám Bódi scored a beautiful goal into the right corner of the goal from 7 meters (2-1).

The second half started with another goal from Puskás. After a right-sided cross, Zsolt Nagy was left alone and he headed the ball into the net from close-range. During that period of the match, Puskás, who were in numerical superiority, dominated and they missed some big chances.

There were no big excitements in the last thirty minutes of the match, but in the 90th minute, Komáromi was lucky to score another goal (4-1). However, it was a big pleasure that the young Csaba Hornyák and Tamás Batai came on as substitutes. Benedek Erdélyi, the goalkeeper, made his debut in the first division as well as Balázs Gellén and Flórián Cibla.

Now the team goes on a four-week break, after which the preparation for the new season will begin.

According to the coach

Srdjan Blagojevic: There is nothing special to analyse, the penalty and the red card decided the match. It was difficult to play with such a line-up, but I was satisfied with the way we started, but then came the penalty. I’m very glad that a lot of players could make their debut in the team, congratulations to them, it is very important for the club. At the end, we played with 10 young players and I’m sorry for the defeat. Thanks for the support of the fans!

OTP Bank Liga, round 33.

Puskás Academy-DVSC 4-1 (2-1).

Pancho Arena, 2181 spectators. Referee: Rúsz M.

Puskás Academy: Pécsi – Maceiras, Golla, Stronati, Ormonde-Ottewill (Levi, 70.) – Szolnoki (Corbu, 70.), Plsek (Favorov, 79.) – Komáromi, Nissila (Colley, 79.), Nagy Zs. – Puljic (Vékony, 84.). Head coach: Hornyák Zsolt.

DVSC: Megyeri (Erdélyi, 83.) – Tuboly, Baranyai, Romanchuk, Manrique – Ojediran – Szuhodovszki, Bódi (Gellén, 83.) – Vajda (Cibla, 83.), Dzsudzsák (Batai, 76.), Domingues (Hornyák, 69.). Head coach: Srdjan Blagojevic.

Goal: Nagy Zs. (15. from penalty, 49.), Komáromi (36., 90.) as well as Bódi (45+4.).

Yellow card: Plsek (47.), Komáromi (73.), Colley (94.) as well as Tuboly (34.).

Dismissed: Manrique (24.).